What is Spirituality and Sin?

The concept of Sin was a mystery to me for most of my life. Who chooses what is right and what is wrong? Some people believe they have the power to do this and this is something we have to abide by, such as governmental laws. But there are also natural laws in place called universal laws. Cause and effect. The law of Karma. What you put out in the universe will come back, so choose wisely. The Hebrew word which is translated as “Sin” in the English Bible, was “Het”, which meant to err, or miss the mark. This is also what the Buddhists would refer to as ignorance…the root of all suffering. To make things more complicated, Sin is passed down from generation to generation. However, when causes and conditions ripen one is forced to face the sin that has accumulated over generations and lifetimes. This is known as an awakening. It is not always as pleasant as some may say. Some may experience heaven, while others experience hell. When this happens, it is likened to experiencing death before death. This can also be known as Ego Death. When this happens we begin to see where much of our sin originated from. It is from our own actions in this lifetime, as well as our parents actions, our grandparents actions, and so on and so on. Sin literally breeds sin. So how do we purify these bad deeds or actions? Who do we look up to for direction out of the darkness?

In a world that has gone astray it is hard to find a Father figure to look up to. In most cases, we can only find fragments of the perfect Father figure within humanity. So we look to our Father in heaven and strive to be like him. It is said that he created us in his image, but we have forgotten…a type of spiritual amnesia. However, as we get closer and closer to the Holy Father we begin to mingle minds with him. We get tastes of what it’s like to be close to him, enabling us to open ourselves to what is referred to as the “holy spirit”. On the spiritual path I believe everyone must go through a grieving process; a realization that our parents aren’t perfect and, therefore, accepting that we are not perfect. So, for example, I grieve that my birth father is not ideal according to my karmic perceptions, but the beautiful aspect of this is that it opens me up to receive support from the Ultimate Father…the one we call God. So do I strive to remember what it’s like to be made in God’s image? Does this mean that human beings have “God potential”?

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